Things I regret deeply
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Here are a list of things I immediately regret after returning from Germany: 1. Not bringing back any Hussel Chocolate. 2. Leaving my bar of Bach Chocolate in the Schlosshotel in Eisenach (it is already eaten, I can assure you) 3. Not buying any Jacobs coffee in the Plus or any supermarket that carried it. 4. Leaving the coffee and the underwear in the Tchibo store. 5. Not playing an organ and getting kicked out of any number of churches in Leipzig, Coethen, or Potsdam. 6. Buying those terrible polyester warmup pants for 7 Euro and then leaving them in my hotel room in Leipzig. 7. Losing my notebook with all my notes and intricate German phrases (it is irreplacable). 8. Not buying a copy of the musical offering or the fourteen canons, or a copy of Wolff's JS Bach in German. 9. Not getting the James Brown collection. 10. After all that, I don't really regret a thing because Predestination suggests, everything happened the way it was supposed to happen because, as Morpheus said, "We are still alive."
Things I don't regret: 1. Going in the first place. 2. The choice of my topic. 3. Befriending everyone, and wanting to stay in touch. 4. Going off on my own and getting lost. 5. Speaking German whenever I had the opportunity. 6. Asking too many questions. 7. Spending too much money on food, beer and other disposable items. 8. Collecting pencils (I believe my total was 62 on this trip) 9. Going to the rich areas and the poor areas alike (the only true way to understand a culture, IMHO) 10. Sturm und Drang - life is about balance. I was ecstatic and miserable, amused and disgusted, confused and enlightened, at times altogether and at times not at all. This was a complete experience for me, and I could write on it for days on end, but I won't.
To those who have been viewing this blog, if only myself, I bid you adieu.
-blacklieder, aka Antonio Jacobs - Music & Art
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